Thursday, October 6, 2011

Check out the AP 3D Official Site

Please explore the AP3D site to help answer questions that you have and draw inspiration from what other students have done from around the country. Some students have found it particularly helpful to look at the "student samples and scoring guidelines" from previous years. This will help you gain a better understanding of what the judges are looking for.


  1. Loving the greenish-brown glazes '10-'11 Gallery pictures.--Lindsay

  2. checked it out, I wanna play around with glazes this year as I am uber bored of the bucket glazes.

  3. I agree with trent on this one, bucket glazes kinda got real boring so i'm looking forward to some new cool stuff.

  4. cool beans. looks like there's some hard work in our future.

  5. yaya me i gotta blog!! too bad i missed the deadline :( but anyway i am gonna make functional pieces and i am most excited to see the final pieces and to use them

  6. WOW. this took FOREVER TO COMMENT. i love blogger but hate blogger (the site). anyways i think that we should all go around and say our concentration because by now everyone should know theres. also feel free to follow my blog because i will still be updating it! (:

  7. That was an awesome day. I'm super stoked for the new glazes!!! I hope the cone 6 crackles look good!!!

  8. I'm struggling on the blog but I feel like I'm the only one, it keeps signing me out and telling me I have to verify stuff. I'm super excited about the raku firing and want to experiment with the different techniques and glazes!


  9. I'm gonna comment again on this one cause i'm not sure where else to comment. But i'm excited or the new kiln!!

  10. There is nothing new to comment about. Cuz it is the same things as last week. But I'm excited for getting new glazes

  11. nothing to comment on so hope it waives the fact that this is late

  12. I FINALLY FIGURED OUT HOW TO DO IT!!! Looks good. I've been to that site before. It's really helpful.

  13. The scoring guides and examples are really helpful.
