Tuesday, February 28, 2012

East Creek Woodfire

Although the date has not been officially set, it is likely to be sometime in mid April. This is good news as it will allow those of you who want to include pieces from this firing into your AP portfolio. Now is the time to begin construction of pieces made out of cone 10 clay. G-Mix, in the form that we currently have, will NOT work. Umpqua is by far the best option for a clay body since it is made with Helmer kaolin which creates wonderful effects in the reduction environment.


  1. I've never tried this method. Maybe this year I will particpate... Any input or advice???

  2. Sounds good. I'll be getting a bag of umpqua soon!

  3. I'm so excited for this, the woodfire last year was great and the artwork turned out really nice

  4. this is sick!!! I'm supes pumped about this awesome opportunity. H-dawg you da bomb.com!!

  5. awesome, i've actually never been to one so i'm super stoked! ha that's a pun. stoked the fire. ya...

  6. this is cool, uh oh i forgot to post something last week :(

  7. rly rly rly rly cool cept we aren't goin to that place anymore :( .... gonnna have to find another place

  8. I would be interested in some type of wood fire, i think they look really cool.

  9. Which kind of firing are we switching to? Train firing or something?

  10. How will the new firing be different from the east creek kiln?

  11. New blog for this week is not up yet. Here is my comment for the first week of April.
